
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the beach, right before Dr. Jones scares the birds there's a zoom-in close-up of his face and a crew member approaching is reflected on his glasses.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: As they are running away from the ants, you can see a rig of stage lights under the jeep Col. Spalko's crew was driving.


And Just Like That... mistake picture

Chapter Three - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: Carrie and Charlotte are at the restaurant, and Carrie takes a piece of bread and eats it. A shot later, her hands are lowered and the bread is still in her hand. (00:11:10)


And Just Like That... mistake picture

Chapter Three - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When the episode starts, there's a man with a blue jacket behind Carrie, and two women 6 meters behind. A shot later, the man and the girls have swapped positions. Oddly enough, when Carrie talks to Lissette, one of the women vanishes, and the man in the blue jacket is now walking next to and chatting with the remaining woman.


And Just Like That... mistake picture

The Real Deal - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Herbert and his daughters exit the building, there's a man with a brown jacket on the left. A shot later, he is 10 meters ahead to the right, and new passers-by have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. When Herbert hails the cab, the man in the brown jacket reappears 20 meters behind, and a man in a plaid shirt suddenly disappears between shots.


And Just Like That... mistake picture

Met Cute - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Seema's female assistant disappears when a man brings the golden bag. One might think she was out of shot, but she should have been lying on the floor to be unseen.


18th Jun 2023

Fire Down Below (1997)

Fire Down Below mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Mack truck is trying to run Taggart off the road, the scenery on the copilot's window is an obvious chroma: first, it doesn't match the wide shots (bright green background vs cloudy and dull); second, it is repeated a couple of times. Also, when Taggart's car is cornered next to a mountain, the close-up shows a blue background.


27th May 2023

King Kong (1933)

King Kong mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the sea creature appears and the raft overturns, the people falling are very obvious stiff dummies. One even falls downwards and its two feet stick up from the water.


27th May 2023

King Kong (1933)

King Kong mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In New York, Kong fetches a woman in her sleep. In the close-ups she's wearing white pyjamas, but the mannequin she's replaced for when she falls has short hair and dark clothes.


25th May 2023

King Kong (1933)

King Kong mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kong lifts Ann from the bed she is wearing a short dress. In the close-up the dress goes way down to her ankles.


25th May 2023

King Kong (1933)

King Kong trivia picture

Trivia: For a single frame, one can see the structure that holds the Kong puppet. The first time it's still visible in modern copies at time code 00:52:36 (after the people run away on a log used as a bridge). The second one was digitally removed years ago, and it takes place when Kong exits the cave right after Ann faints. (00:52:36 - 01:05:30)


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