
13th Jun 2007

Ocean's Thirteen (2007)

10th May 2007

Superman (1978)

Superman mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the first scene in the Daily Planet, after Lois exits Perry's office saying "You forgot my report", two big stage lights get reflected on the left glass door.


Visible crew/equipment: While Nuclear Man destroys Metropolis, a bunch of people appear behind him, specially a woman with a white gabardine, a funny wig, dark glasses and a big fake nose. She reappears in a totally different place two seconds later, when the police cars arrive.


Visible crew/equipment: When the rabbit jumps on Ms. Price's lap, she tells him to jump off. Watch the close-up and a stunt's red hand appears from where her belly is supposed to be and pushes the animal away.


Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film, taking place in a sunny field, Paul holds the bedknob and in both of the final shots about 3 or 4 lighting screens are reflected.


12th Apr 2007

Rain Man (1988)

11th Jan 2007

The Departed (2006)

16th Nov 2006

The Sopranos (1999)

5th Nov 2006

Superman II (1980)

31st Oct 2006

Superman II (1980)

30th Oct 2006

Superman II (1980)

30th Oct 2006

Superman II (1980)

27th Oct 2006

Superman III (1983)

25th Oct 2006

Superman III (1983)

25th Oct 2006

Superman III (1983)

24th Oct 2006

Superman III (1983)

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the quarry, when the cops' car flies up the air you can see the ramp used to lift it on the lower left side of the screen.


25th Sep 2006

Supergirl (1984)

25th Sep 2006

Supergirl (1984)

Supergirl mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Selena visits the school, there's a tube reflected on her window. When her car starts to move we see it's part of an umbrella-like structure used for lighting.


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