
8th Jan 2016

Saw IV (2007)

Question: Why was Art forced to play 2 games? Obviously the reason he was put over watching the detectives was because he acquitted the 3 victims who died in the traps, but why make him play the game at the beginning where Trevor could have potentially killed him when Jigsaw/Hoffman needed him to watch Detective Matthews? And what was Trevor's reason he was picked?

Answer: The two games he is forced into can be considered to be just part of one larger game, similar to Jeff from Saw III, William from Saw VI, Bobby from Saw 3D and even Rigg in this same movie. Any one of the aforementioned characters could have died at any point in their tests before completing them, but as Jigsaw told Hoffman in Saw V, "If you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance." Art was placed in a dangerous situation in his first test, but he had a large advantage considering that his opponent had his eyes sewn shut. Why Trevor is placed in the game with Art is never explained in any of the movies, unfortunately.


29th Oct 2015

Tusk (2014)

Question: After Wallace was found as a walrus, why couldn't his friends get him to a hospital to surgically make him human again?

Answer: There's no clear answer but after defeating and killing Howe, Wallace seemed resigned to his fate that he was now living as a walrus and may have refused corrective surgery. It wasn't until the end when Ally said that she still loved him that his humanity began to resurface.


I agree with this, and I also think it wouldn't be worth correcting. He would still not look human.

Answer: They left him as a walrus because Kevin Smith wanted to leave the possibility for a sequel; which is slated for 2024 as "Tusks."

Question: I never really understood what the motive was when Clyde murdered his cellmate. Why did he do it? What did this act have to do with the plot of this movie?

Answer: To make sure he was placed in solitary confinement. The warehouse that he owned and operated out of that was next to the prison also had a tunnel connected to every cell in the solitary wing. Clyde needed to be in one of the solitary cells so he could leave the prison whenever he needed to unnoticed, which also served to make it look like he had an accomplice on the outside.


When Nick is talking to a spook later in the movie, he is quoted as telling Nick: "That cell-mate that he killed, you think that was random? No. That's a pawn being moved off the board. Anyone who had anything to do with that case, he's gonna be coming after you." Just as all deaths played roles in Clydes game, as the audience we are led to believe this inmate played a role, but were never given any resolution as to what significance it was. Not a big deal in grand scheme of things, but unexplained.

I don't know if you just didn't read the answer thoroughly or if you didn't pay close attention to the movie, but Clyde killing his cellmate was far from being unexplained. He can't leave the prison if he's in a regular cell with the general population, so he kills the cellmate in order to get placed in the solitary wing, because every solitary cell is connected to the tunnel in his warehouse that is next to the prison, which allows him to leave whenever he needs to.


Chosen answer: He simply doesn't like Canseco, which is why he sarcastically asks Casey if he actually paid money for the Canseco bat.


Answer: Canseco was a star in the 80s, so a bat with his name on it would have been very expensive. Raphael is basically calling him a thief, probably because he doesn't look like he can afford it.


Answer: Jose Canseco had one of the best baseball careers, so anything with his name became priceless but it all came to an end when it was revealed he used steroids.

Answer: The Oakland A's with Canseco on the team won the World Series the year before this movie came out, while the New York Yankees and Mets both posted abysmal seasons. As a proud New Yorker, Raph was surely disgusted that Casey Jones would carry merch bearing the name of another team's star player, especially right after they won a ring! That's the behavior of a band-wagon fan, after all. It seems Casey would agree with him as well, as his response to the insult is not to defend Canseco or the A's, but to shrug and say he got the bats on a 2-for-1 Sale.

Question: Who was the mutant at the beginning and what did he (or she?) find? It was something like an iron X-men logo.

Pavel Soukup

Chosen answer: The character is never specifically named, but visually he is a reference to Nate Grey, a.k.a. X-Man.


Answer: As for what was found, my opinion is that it was a belt buckle from an X-Men uniform.


Question: Where did Star Lord get AA batteries for his Walkman?

Answer: Likely he didn't, but instead was able to use an alternate power source that he found or was introduced to during his time in outer space.


23rd Aug 2015

The X-Files Movie (1998)

Question: What exactly was it about the vending machine that made Mulder realize it was actually the bomb that he and Scully were looking for?

Answer: The drink selection buttons were unresponsive after he deposited his coins, and then he noticed that the machine was illuminated despite being unplugged.


Question: One of the first steps in the defeating of Davy Jones was for Will to find out where the key to the chest was. In order to do that, he had to play that game with Davy Jones. How exactly did the game work?

Answer: The game is called Liar's Dice, and the idea is to bid on the numbers that are rolled among all players. For example, player one might suggest that among all players, 3 sixes have been rolled. The next player can either up the bid (by suggesting there are more than 3 sixes, or he/she can change the number rolled in question as long as they count higher than the previous suggestion, i.e 4 sixes or 4 twos, but they cannot say 2 fives) or they can call the bluff of the previous player. If at least 3 sixes were rolled, then the bid is true and player two loses. If there are fewer than 3 sixes, then player one's bluff has been called and he loses. In the case of the game between Will, Bootstrap Bill and Davy Jones, Bootstrap purposely gave a ridiculous bid in order to spare Will from losing. By making such a bid, he forced Davy Jones into either calling his bluff or increasing the bid himself, in which case Will would have then called Davy Jones' bluff and won the game.


26th Jul 2015

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: If all of the base DNA for the dinosaurs in the park was obtained from dino-blood inside mosquitoes, where did they get the DNA for the Mosasaurus from? A flying blood-sucking insect would not come into contact with a sea dwelling dinosaur, and there are no amber-equivalents in the ocean to trap any sea based blood suckers.


Answer: And what about just digging for bones for the Mosasaurus? I think this was said somewhere-although I can't remember where so apologies if I'm wrong-but I think Dr. Wu mentioned something about it, so I'm sure they could've gotten DNA WITHOUT getting the blood from a mosquito. It sounds possible in my opinion.

Chosen answer: The scientific inaccuracy of the mosquitoes/DNA notwithstanding, at the end of the film the Mosasaurus surfaces at the edge of its pool in order to drag in the Indominus Rex. Assuming the Mosasaurus did the same thing to catch prey in its own time period, it's feasible a mosquito could have landed on its body and extracted some blood in that short amount of time, especially if the prey was putting up resistance.


And a mosquito would always be in that area and be keen on getting blood from that particular dinosaur? Plus, it didn't take much for the Indominus to be taken down since the Mosasaurus is kind of a big creature, so how hard would it be for other animals to be taken down as well? Added, the Mosasaurus was being fed a shark when we first meet it; it's not like it was hunting on its own in an enclosed area.

Mosquitoes are everywhere, so it's not a matter of convenience that one would be in the same area and being keen on going after that particular animal. Plus, I just pulled up the scene on YouTube and it takes close to 10 seconds for the Mosasaurus to drag the Indominous Rex to its doom, which is plenty of time for a mosquito to land on it and extract blood. And as I stated in the answer, the explanation of DNA being harvested from preserved mosquitoes is scientifically inaccurate anyway, so even a tenuous explanation of how a mosquito would get that animal's blood is no more tenuous than dinosaurs being brought back to life in the first place.


21st Jul 2015

Saw V (2008)

Chosen answer: Several possibilities: she could have been married, or divorced and had not changed back her last name; they could have been half-siblings with each of them having different fathers; they could have been step-siblings or one of them may have been adopted.


8th Apr 2015

The Prestige (2006)

Question: In the beginning, Angier's wife dies in the tank. Even if Borden did tie a knot for her that she couldn't get out of, someone had changed the lock of the tank before the act. Who changed the lock? Was it Borden? And if it was Borden, why would he want to kill Angier's wife?

Adil Bajwa

Chosen answer: The lock on the tank is just a dummy lock. It's there to make the audience believe that the tank is actually locked during the trick. Julia couldn't escape because she couldn't slip the knot that Borden tied. He didn't intend to kill her. The revelation of the lock being changed was from a different scene altogether and was part of Angier's plot to frame Borden, it had nothing to do with Julia or the trick she performed.


Answer: Before the incident, Borden and Julia had an argument that she can escape from any kind of knot. So, Borden ties a different knot, Julia is unable to untie it. There is no issue with the tank.

8th Apr 2015

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Answer: He actually says "Never wound what you can't kill." Basically he means "You can't beat me, so don't even try."


24th Jan 2015

Equilibrium (2002)

Question: Right before the fight between Preston and DuPont, DuPont re-quotes Sean Bean "you tread on my dreams." How did he know that quote, and why did he know it would mean anything to Preston?

Answer: Since Preston is the one who discovered Partridge's sense-offense and executed him, he was probably required to give a report of how it went down and mentioned Partridge's last words, which one would expect would make its way to DuPont.


Answer: "Father" is a very human psychopath in my opinion. I don't believe he was ever dosing. Therefore, he was probably already familiar with Yeats. Just like his "office" at the end is filled with illegal artwork, which if he didn't "feel" would be completely unnecessary. He tells Preston at the end that he "feels," and that's true. It's just that he "feels" only as a psychopath can feel. And, since he was setting Preston up from the very beginning, he also probably knew exactly what book Partridge had been reading when Preston shot him. And he used that phrase right before his fight with Preston, why? Perhaps to attempt to throw him off his game by reminding him that he had killed his partner (something that he guessed - correctly - about which Preston felt incredible sadness and guilt).

24th Mar 2015

Batman Begins (2005)

Question: Does anybody know what Batman means by questioning whether he can beat two of Ra's al Ghul's pawns?

Answer: Ra's al Ghul initially left just two of his henchmen to fight Batman. Batman says "I can't beat two of your pawns?" as a way of rubbing it in Ghul's face that the two henchmen would not get the job done, which is why Ra's has more henchmen stay behind.


Answer: Watching this before without subtitles, I thought it was more interesting without the question mark. "I can't beat two of your pawns." After all, one star student SHOULDN'T be able to beat two second-tier ones. I liked the extra weight of the insurmountable odds "as you wish." Adding just one question mark changes this scene completely.

29th Jan 2015

Identity (2003)

Question: What is the significance of the wound and blood we see on the back of Ray Liotta when he takes off his coat for a minute? The camera focuses in, so it is important, but I have never figured that out. It almost seems just where the wound would be where he stabbed the cop who was driving his car.

Answer: It's the cop's clothes. He takes them after killing him so he wouldn't have to settle for wearing his own prison uniform while a fugitive.


15th Jan 2015

Saw IV (2007)

Question: I don't understand why Hoffman isn't electrocuted at the end. He was connected to high voltage cages and his feet came under water, so how did he and/or Jigsaw plan so he wouldn't be electrocuted under any circumstances?

Answer: The chair wasn't actually electrified. It was just made to look that way in order to hide his involvement in the game.


Question: Why didn't Charles make any attempt to rescue Wolverine at the end? With Cerebro's help he wouldn't have had any trouble finding him.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Who's to say he didn't later attempt to find him? Wolverine was flung quite a distance away from where Charles was and he didn't have Cerebro with him to immediately locate him.


Question: Who put Magneto in that plastic prison? Nixon and his cabinet don't seem know anything about mutants or see them as a threat (even after Cuba). Yet they put Magneto in a plastic prison as they know he can bend metal, so why wasn't anyone in the US government and most notably the President informed of this fact? It would have made Trask's appeals a lot more justified. Even likely sentinels would have been put into action a lot sooner rather then later.


Chosen answer: Government agents were previously aware of mutants - they are probably the same ones that imprisoned Magneto, and his attempt to prevent JFK's assassination was most likely covered up due to the revelation that Kennedy was a mutant. Magneto was already in prison by the time Trask pitched his Sentinel idea to the government, which is probably why the program wasn't instituted.


Question: I'd like some clarification on the dual timelines in this movie. The past timeline is pretty simple, as it's just a continuation from First Class. But is the future apocalyptic timeline really the same timeline as X-Men, X-2, X-3, Origins, and The Wolverine? I ask because, while it'd be much simpler than having THREE different timelines unnecessarily, I'm not sure it really adds up. Why didn't Trask and his prototype Sentinels have a MUCH heavier presence in those previous movies? Why are there two Bolivar Trask characters, one of whom is portrayed by the African American Bill Duke, and another by Peter Dinklage? How does the after-credits scene from The Wolverine play into the events of Days of Future Past?

Answer: The Sentinels had no presence in the previous movies because the manufacturers spent decades working on them. Wolverine's intervention in the past set up a chain of events to which the first Sentinel prototypes were introduced much earlier. The mid-credits scene in "The Wolverine" implies that the Sentinels from the original timeline are nearing completion, which is why Magneto and Xavier are recruiting Wolverine. There aren't two Bolivar Trask characters. The Secretary Trask character played by Bill Duke just happens to have the same last name and was originally meant to be a nod to the character.


14th Jun 2014

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: According to Al Jean, the producers haven't decided yet but they have some ideas.


There was an episode in which Ned went to Springfield elementary as a substitute but left. Bart convinced him to come back. Then in S30s finale, "crystal blue haired persuasion", Flanders show Marge a test that Bart got in "his" class, suggesting he is the new teacher. However, Simpsons wiki fandom shows that it a is a temporary job.

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