
22nd May 2023

The Simpsons (1989)

22nd May 2023

The Simpsons (1989)

Sideshow Bob Roberts - S6-E5

Campaign ad narrator: Mayor Quimby supports revolving door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob, a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can you trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for Mayor.


5th Nov 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Homer at the Bat - S3-E17

Barney: And I say England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston.
Wade Boggs: Pitt the Elder.
Barney: Lord Palmerston!
Wade Boggs: Pitt the Elder!
Barney: OK, you asked for it, Boggs! [Punches him out.]
Moe: Yeah, that's showing him, Barney! Pitt the Elder.
Barney: Lord Palmerston! [Punches Moe out.]


5th Nov 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

5th Nov 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Simpson Safari - S12-E17

Agnes Skinner: Start over. I want everything in one bag.
Squeaky-voiced Teen: Yes ma'am.
Agnes Skinner: But I don't want the bag to be heavy.
Squeaky-voiced Teen: I don't think that's possible.
Agnes Skinner: What are you, the possible police? Just do it.


11th Jul 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Krusty Gets Kancelled - S4-E22

Anthony Kiedis: You told our agent this place holds 30,000 people.
Moe: It does. We had 30,000 here last night. Now play, the audience is getting restless.
Barney: We want Chilly Willy! We want Chilly Willy!
Bart: Hey, Red Hot Chili Peppers, would you guys like to appear on a Krusty the Clown special?
Flea: Sure, if you can get us out of this gig.
Bart: No problemo. Hey Moe, look over there.
Moe: [Turns around and looks at the wall.] What? What am I looking at? I don't see nothin'. [Bart sneaks the Red Hot Chili Peppers out of the bar.] I'm gonna stop lookin' soon. What? What, is that it?
Homer: Hey Moe, can I look too?
Moe: Sure, but it'll cost you.
Homer: My wallet's in the car.
Moe: He is so stupid. And now back to the wall.


11th Jul 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

11th Jul 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Viva Ned Flanders - S10-E10

Homer: [Screams] The Moody Blues!
Graeme Edge: Cold-hearted Homer ditching his wife, while ancient Ned runs for his life.
Justin Hayward: Chips of red and blue and white, but we decide which...
John Lodge: Can the poems, it's ass-whooping time!
Ray Thomas: I want fatty!


11th Jul 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

The Canine Mutiny - S8-E20

Moe: You gotta give me back my floor. The customers are walking around on the pipes.
Repo Agent: Hey, next time pay your bills.
Moe: But I don't want to!


11th Jul 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

The Otto Show - S3-E22

Otto: Hey landlord, some clown changed my locks, padlocked the door, and put up an eviction notice.
Landlord: Yeah, that was me.
Otto: You!? But why?
Landlord: Because you haven't paid your rent.
Otto: Well, can I at least get my stuff?
Landlord: All I found in there was a jar of mustard, and a couple of old cycle magazines.
Otto: Wow! I have mustard!?


17th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Homer the Smithers - S7-E17

Smithers: I've got to find a replacement who won't outshine me. Perhaps if I search the employee evaluations for the word "incompetent." 714 names! Ha, better be more specific. "Lazy, clumsy, dimwitted, monstrously ugly." [The computer again displays 714 matches.] Ah, nuts to this. I'll just go get Homer Simpson.


15th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa the Simpson - S9-E17

Announcer: We now return to "When Buildings Collapse" on "Non-Stop Fox."
[Bart and Homer cheer.]
Bart: Hey Lis', wanna join us?
Homer: Room for one more.
Bart: We're watching the TV.
Narrator: Man has always loved his buildings. But what happens when the buildings say "No more!"?


15th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Lisa on Ice - S6-E8

Jimbo: Nice PJ's, Simpson. Did your mommy buy 'em for ya?
Bart: Of course she did. Who else would have?
Jimbo: Alright, Simpson, you win this round!


15th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

15th Apr 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Tree House of Horror X - S11-E4

Professor Frink: In episode BF12, you were battling barbarians while riding a winged Appaloosa. but in the very next scene, my dear, you're clearly atop a winged Arabian. Please to explain it.
Lucy Lawless: Ah, yeah, well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.
Professor Frink: I see, all right, yes, but in episode AG4...
Lucy Lawless: Wizard!
Professor Frink: Ah, for glavin' out loud!


6th Mar 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

6th Mar 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

6th Mar 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore - S15-E12

Apu: Attention American bar devils: it's our anniversary. Free drinks for everyone.
Homer: That's great! I'm honored to drink to Apu and, uh, Apulina. You know, Marge and I have an anniversary coming up.
Apu: I have given Manjula many gifts, including a bouquet of flowers, diamond earrings, and we're going to see Paris... Hilton, in Paris... Texas, on our way to Paris... France.


3rd Jan 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

3rd Jan 2020

The Simpsons (1989)

HOMR - S12-E9

Homer: Hey Flanders, headin' for church? Well, I thought I could save you a little time.
Flanders: Ooh, found a new shortcut?
Homer: Better. I was working on a flat-tax proposal and I accidentally proved there's no god.


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