
26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

X-Men mistake picture

Night of the Sentinels: Part 1 - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Gambit and Wolverine are sparring in the Danger Room, at one point Gambit dives onto a piston and then rolls off moments before it smashes him into another piston, with a piece of the bottom right of his trenchcoat being torn off in the process. When Jubilee is explaining to everyone that she was trying to help Gambit, his trenchcoat is now untorn. (00:11:07 - 00:11:43)


26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

X-Men mistake picture

Night of the Sentinels: Part 1 - S1-E1

Factual error: When the Sentinel reaches out to try to grab the dog, it smashes its hand against the grass and produces numerous cracks in the lawn with a metal clanging sound. Neither of these things would happen. The grass would have a bunch of divots in it, and the sound would be similar to something heavy falling in dirt. (00:02:09)


26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

Slave Island - S1-E7

Stupidity: Just before Gambit rescues Jubilee and Storm from their solitary lockboxes, Jubilee is complaining about the temperature inside hers, comparing it to a sauna. She somehow didn't think to remove her jacket to help cool off a little. (00:13:24)


26th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

24th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

24th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

24th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

Night of the Sentinels: Part 1 - S1-E1

Rogue: You know, I remember when I was 13, I had me a boyfriend, until I kissed him. Poor boy was in a coma for three days. That was when I first realised if I touched anybody, I absorbed their strength right into me. Some power, huh? That's when the boys quit callin'.
Beast: Consider yourself fortunate. I had dandruff.
Morph: Hey, whenever I got into trouble at school, I used to turn myself into the principal.


24th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

24th Nov 2020

X-Men (1992)

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