Casual Person

The Black Island: Part 1 - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: Mueller's assistant gets hit on the head with a bag of counterfeit bank notes. Mueller then walks over to the assistant and ends up stepping on a rake, smacking himself in the face with it. In the wide shot that shows Mueller walking over to the assistant, we can notice the direction between Mueller and the rake would have had Mueller step on the edge of the rake. As it cuts to the close-up of Mueller's foot stepping on the rake, he is now shown stepping on the middle of the rake. (00:20:35)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Barry places a bouquet of flowers on his mother's grave at the end of the movie. The bouquet is upwards to start with, but lying on the ground when the shot cuts. (01:15:25)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Aquaman coughs up blood after he is stabbed by Wonder Woman. Some blood goes on his chin. Throughout the rest of this scene, the blood on his chin keeps going from the right side to the left side of his chin. (01:10:25)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Batman starts shooting at the heat vision guy, an orange car is behind him. The shot cuts and he is suddenly standing with the car on his left. (01:01:45)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Batman is blasted against a green car by the guy with heat vision. He runs to the next vehicle as the heat vision guy shoots a ray at the green car, and the next shot shows the car is now purple. (01:01:40)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Flash is back at Wayne Manor with Batman, after regaining his powers. In the wide shot of the Manor's interior, the windows are about 5 feet in height. The next shot shows the windows now only about two and a half feet in height. (00:45:05)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Flash trips in a field with loads of cacti. One of them changes in appearance between shots. There is also a two foot tall cactus with no branches next to it that disappears. (00:43:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Barry breaks into Wayne Manor. He moves the grandfather clock and goes down the stairs to the Batcave. There is a bottle on the stairs. He is about 5 steps away from the bottle in the first shot, but only 1 step away from the bottle in the next shot. (00:20:30)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When The Flash first gets the liquid glue stuff over the villain, the bomb on it is about an inch away from the villain. In the shot where Batman lands on the ground after appearing, the bomb on the liquid glue thing is no longer there. (00:06:25 - 00:06:55)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Flash first runs into his museum, there are flames outside the door. When the scene cuts to inside, the flames are no longer there. (00:03:20)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Barry first enters his house to find it has been broken into, with the first few feet of the interior covered in glass. In the shot where he says "Mom" and the camera pans out a bit, the glass on the floor is no longer there. (00:01:40)

Casual Person

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Barry's mother notices the gas station, Barry is standing behind his mum on her left. Two shots later, Barry is suddenly standing behind his mother on her right. (00:00:50)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Episode 2, Get Tannen: The interior of the top floor of the flap house shows the curtains open. When Marty goes back outside, we can see one curtain closed and one curtain partially closed with Doc standing behind it.

Casual Person

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