
18th Jul 2022

The Black Phone (2021)

Plot hole: Spoiler Alert: When Finney gets the rope that was hidden in the wall, he needs to thread it through the window bars about 8 feet above his head. After trying to lasso the rope through the bars, he grabs a rolled-up carpet and threads the rope from the bottom of the carpet through the bars and it wraps itself around the bars. There is no way a rope (or even a bendable cable) would be able to thread itself 8 feet through a carpet. After he grabs it, you can tell it's a loose rope, not a stiff wire. (00:51:15)


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Suggested correction: It's a cable (which is also what The Paperboy calls it) not a rope. The window bars are maybe 8 feet from the ground, not 8 feet above Finney's head. It's quite possible that a thick cable could be pushed up through the rolled up carpet. It's also possible that there's a little mystical help taking place, maybe from the dead kid that was talking to Finney via an apparently broken phone.

18th Jul 2022

The Black Phone (2021)

Continuity mistake: Spoiler Alert: When Finney digs the hole through the wall with the toilet tank cover, he creates a relatively round hole to the back of the refrigerator. After climbing into the hole and then back out, the hole is now almost perfectly square. (01:16:38 - 01:17:28)


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Suggested correction: I agree that the appearance of the hole changes, but I wouldn't say it went from "relatively round" to "almost perfectly square." (The appearance is probably due to the camera's angle). The hole started out as oval-like but progressed to a rectangular shape with curved corners. When Finney came back, the rectangular shape had squarer corners and straighter/neater edges. [The wording should be changed for accuracy, but I won't edit your wording.].


27th May 2020

Gran Torino (2008)

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, Tau comes over to Walt 's house at 4pm. After locking Tau up in the room and leaving it is broad daylight. However, by the time Walt gets over to the gang banger's apartment it is pitch dark. Couldn't have taken more than 60 minutes to get there even with stopping to call Tau's sister. Detroit is in Eastern time so it doesn't get pitch dark until at least 7pm, later in daylight savings time, which is probably what time of year it was since it was obviously warm weather.


21st May 2020

Common mistakes

Factual error: In movie plots that take place hundreds or even thousands of years ago, the characters have perfectly white, straight teeth. It is a known fact that Queen Elizabeth I was virtually toothless by age 40. Good dental hygiene didn't really exist until after WWII. Some movies get it right, but only for the bad guys.


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Suggested correction: False teeth have been around for centuries; they could be made from a variety of materials including wood, porcelain, or even human teeth taken from corpses or people who willingly sold their teeth to make some quick cash. People with the means to do so could acquire them quite easily, and they were often indistinguishable from a person's own natural teeth.


Your reasoning is very weak. Yes, false teeth have been around for centuries, but even today with much better technology, with close observation you can tell someone has false teeth. Everyone knew G. Washington had false teeth. No, these characters from 500 years ago are not ALL wearing false teeth.


Australian Aboriginals have (had, before colonization) almost perfectly white, straight teeth and it's known that this is somehow related with their foraging diet. If it's true, then most people back ago could have almost perfect teeth too.

Furthermore, widespread tooth decay before great age was only a rich person's problem until refined sugar became cheap, so the peasants wouldn't have bad teeth either.


Tooth decay is not caused by refined sugars. Any carbohydrates will promote bacterial growth, which can cause tooth decay. Additionally acidic food and drinks and alcohol (which can be high in carbohydrates) can damage the teeth and promote bacterial growth. And the mistake is talking about movies in general with countless characters, not a few select characters with significant means.


Thanks for your response. You said it better than I could have.


I mostly agree with you, but I am talking about characters who are rich with perfectly white teeth (and more importantly) great gums - no recession. What I disagree is that only sugar causes teeth decay. Not true. Virtually all food breaks down into simple sugars with enzymes in your saliva.


24th Oct 2019

Common mistakes

Deliberate mistake: When a man and woman have sex in a movie scene, after the sex is over the woman covers her breasts with the blanket/sheet and the man covers up from the waist down. Also, if the woman gets up off the bed, she drags the bed-sheet with her to cover up. You just had sex, why would you all of a sudden have modesty? Also, they always have sex under the covers. Who has sex under the covers?


22nd Oct 2019

Downton Abbey (2019)

Question: The Lord of Downton in the movie states "The King and Queen are coming to Downton." Since they are British, wouldn't he have said, "Your Majesties are coming to Downton"? Also, isn't the wife of the monarch of the United Kingdom called the "King Consort" not the Queen? I know Prince Philip is not called "King", he is the Queen Consort.


Answer: Re the first part, it's just a matter of word choice, not a mistake, even if it might be "wrong" from an etiquette point of view. For the second question, no, the wife of the King is called the Queen, conventionally. Technically "Queen consort", to draw a distinction from the reigning monarch, in that she has the title of Queen but not the same political power. But the husband of a reigning Queen isn't called a King, or even a King consort, generally, because in the UK a King is viewed as a higher authority, so would imply a greater status than that of his wife, who's the actual monarch. Prince Philip isn't the Queen consort, he would be a Prince Consort, but doesn't have that title, hes a "Prince of the United Kingdom." The only husband of a Queen to have held the title of Prince Consort was Prince Albert, husband to Queen Victoria. It's largely a semantic/title difference and comes down to personal preference/the will of the reigning monarch.

Jon Sandys

Plot hole: When Lisbeth is able to raise the bridge therefore stopping her from being chased, while the villains in the car couldn't continue chasing her, they could have continued shooting at her from the raised bridge - having an even better vantage point - but for some reason they stopped shooting.


Plot hole: When Lisbeth's techie friend "Plague" sets up outside her childhood mansion in the van with the radar dish, no-one in the mansion notices this big van with a big radar dish pointing at the mansion even when one of the villains is able to find a lone sniper "Ed Needham" on a distant hill.


Continuity mistake: Spoiler alert: At the end of the movie "Rose" stabs "Miles." We see her pull out the knife and it looks like a Rambo-type hunting knife. After she stabs him, we see the knife covered in blood but it is a different type of knife. It looks more like a skinning knife or filet knife.


14th Jun 2018

Hereditary (2018)

Question: Not sure this is a movie mistake. When the mom is sawing off her own head, wouldn't the sawing have stopped once she cut through her spinal cord? The muscles in her arms/hands would have gone limp and her head would not completely fall off - though it would fall forward. You don't actually see her head fall but you hear the bang on the floor and her head is missing at the end.


Answer: There were supernatural forces at work, so basic rules of human anatomy and physics don't really apply in the situation.


Answer: When she's sawing off her own head, she's also suspended about 12 feet in the air. Afterwards, you also see the headless mom's body levitating up to the treehouse. So, obviously, there were powerful demonic forces that suspended her in the air, sawed off her head, then carried her up into the treehouse.

Charles Austin Miller

14th Jun 2018

Hereditary (2018)

Factual error: Spoiler: In the scene toward the end of the movie when the dad is burned alive, his skin is completely black but his clothes are still on and intact, just blackened. With fire hot enough to completely blacken the skin, it would have burnt the clothes completely off (or at most they would have been shredded rags). (01:51:25)


Continuity mistake: When Lady Susan is counseling her daughter Frederica in her bedroom, the shot shows an unlit candle on a dresser behind Lady Susan. The shot changes back and forth between Frederica and Lady Susan. When the shot changes back to Lady Susan, the unlit candle is gone, though there is no one else in the room.


Factual error: When the criminal gang arrives at the Haberdashery and kills Minnie, Six-Horse Judy, et al, there is blood everywhere, including big smears on the floor. In the 1860's/70's, it would have been virtually impossible to clean up all that blood, especially on wood plank floors, but when the second stagecoach arrives carrying Major Warren, John Ruth, Daisy and Chris Mannix they don't notice that a massacre just occurred there. Even today, with much better cleaning tools and solutions, it would be hard.


Question: Maybe I saw it wrong since it happened so fast, but wasn't Minnie shot in the face initially when she was behind the counter? If so, surely she wouldn't still be alive, yet she was still alive when seen a little later on the floor where she is shot again in the stomach/chest.


Chosen answer: You are thinking of two different characters. Jody shoots Minnie in the head. Minnie has another lady working for her, who goes to get the jellybeans for Tim Roth. It is this other lady who was shot while getting the jelly beans, and then shot again while lying on the floor.


27th Jul 2015

Mr. Holmes (2015)

Continuity mistake: SPOILER: The boy, Roger, finds a glove in a secret drawer in Mr. Holmes' room. The glove is lying perfectly flat in the drawer. It had supposedly been there for years unknown to Mr. Holmes. Later, in a flashback scene, it shows Dr. Watson putting the glove in the drawer. When he puts the glove in the secret drawer, it is not laid flat in the drawer - it has an obvious upward bend in the glove. Since the glove had been in the drawer, untouched, for years, it should have still had that upward bend.


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Suggested correction: Although we are only shown Watson putting the glove in the drawer once there is no reason to suggest he may not have looked at it again before he left for good. More compellingly, Watson placed the glove in the drawer whilst the bureau was in place in Holmes' quarters in London, and it was not discovered until a quarter of a century later having been moved at some point to Holmes' house in Sussex. This journey could also easily have displaced the gloves position to some degree. The weight of papers contained in the drawer above may have also aided in flattening the glove out over the years.

Andrew Upton

7th Jul 2015

Max (2015)

Continuity mistake: In the scene near the end of the movie where the kidnapped father overpowers one of the bad guys and grabs his gun, he shoots out the front tire of the truck and he and Justin go running away. In the very next scene, Tyler and his buddy jump in the truck to chase the father and son and the tire on the truck is miraculously fixed and inflated.


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