
8.9/10. A pretty good horror movie from the early days of the 80's slasher craze. The setting of most of the killings being in a mine is chilling. It seems the only way out of this hell is by death. I liked the look of The Miner. He just seemed more like a boogeyman with no sign of life or humanity in him. When we see his actual face it's almost as chilling as he shows no signs of emotion much less regret over his rampage of carnage.


16th Feb 2022

Intruder (1989)

8/10. Pretty decent slasher movie also of the late 80's. Creatvie setting being a grocery store. I found the whole cast pretty decent and they pull it off well.


6.7/10.Decent slasher of the late 80's. The setting of a department store at night's pretty OK though not as good as good as the much better Chopping Mall and The Initiation, two horror movies which were similarly set though in shopping malls. The weak link here is Zack the Gimp, guy into leather and being dominated, who's the killer. Why would he think these kids were coming between him and his ex cell mate Frank? Kind of bizarre. Still a decent watch.


14th Feb 2022

Prehistoric Women (1967)

9.4/10. Another brilliant movie from Hammer Studios in the 60's. Martine Beswick owns the movie here as Kari, Queen of the oppressive dark haired women who rule over the blonde women. She just oozes evil as the character as she alternates between evil and genuine love for Michael Latimer's David Marchent. Hammer Studios can be proud of their legacy of turning out just as good horror movies as the American Universal Studios did. Well done.


12th Feb 2022

Demolition Man (1993)

8.9/10. Easily one of Stallone's best movies and one his two best of the 90's, the other being Lock Up.


12th Feb 2022

Personal Best (1982)

9.5/10. A darn good movie that took the backdrop of the USA's boycott of the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics and made a pretty good story out of it. Mariel Hemingway shows she can act and has great potential as her character of Chris Cahill who's also undergoing a lot to make it on the team. I enjoyed the good chemistry she had with Patrice Donnelly, an actual track star, who plays her team mate and brief girlfriend Tory Skinner. I disagreed with them being broken up but Desert Hearts would be the movie that showed two people of the same gender can be in love and that it's not a phase. Personally I would've given Mariel Hemingway almost any acting award as she earned it and all the praise she got for this movie.


9th Feb 2022

Zoolander 2 (2016)

1/10. An equally forgettable sequel to a forgettable movie. Yet again the best part is Milla Jovovich as Katinka.


8.2/10. An amusing spoof of musicals mixed with zombies and apocalyptic movies. Definitely worth watching as well as getting on dvd or blu ray.


10/10. A perfect movie by Bobcat Goldthwait on the current status of the United States. Pundits would complain about this movie. Liberal ones would say it's being too preachy and prudish on entertainment. Conservative ones would say it was trying to undermine them. I view it as a great movie by a guy who wasn't afraid to say what a lot of us think about the current state of affairs here. Joel Murray and Tara Barr are the heart and soul of this movie. They both seem to say exactly what a lot of us think be it on politics to entertainment to manners. Great movie, watch and you'll hopefully like it.


5th Feb 2022

Mulan (2020)

-70/10. A waste of time and money. The animated movie's still superior.


8.9/10. Pretty decent Mel Gibson movie. I stand with him, as drinking makes people say and do stupid things. The movies itself has a solid plot and good cast. Mel gives one of his performances of the 2010's.


6/10. Pretty OK adaptation of Phantom Of The Opera.


2nd Feb 2022

The Deep (1977)

6.7/10. A pretty decent underwater movie. Not on the level of Leviathan, but decent.


9.5/10. One of Clint Eastwood's best movies of the 90's. Not much I can say for fear of giving it away. Just watch and enjoy if you like Clint Eastwood.


29th Jan 2022

Death on the Nile (1978)

9.5/10.The second best interpretation of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot. Peter Ustinov does a pretty decent job here alongside Angela Lansbury. Watch this version and not the 2022 version.


3/10. Not one of Stallone's best but not as bad as Rhinestone.


2/10. An OK horror movie which wastes Elisabeth Shue and could've been better than what they went with storywise. They should've never had Jennifer Lawrence, one heck of an overrated actress, in there. It would've been better to focus mainly on Shue.


25th Jan 2022

Scrooged (1988)

6.8/10. A pretty OK Bill Murray movie.


21st Jan 2022

Terror Train (1980)

8. 5/10. A pretty solid entry into the slasher genre in the early 80's. Jamie Lee Curtis shows her scream queen talents here as she pulls off another great performance.


19th Jan 2022

Nightmare Beach (1989)

6.7/10.Not the strongest slasher movie I've seen but it's still a good watch. The backdrop of Miami for a slasher to prey during spring break is intriguing. I only wish they'd gone beyond the gimmick of a motorcycle that can electrocute people riding on the back. It still comes off as pretty decent though, way better than what we've got now. Thankfully it didn't do a supernatural element as I feel it would've been messed up.


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