
28th Sep 2021

Family Matters (1989)

28th Sep 2021

Boy Meets World (1993)

Trivia: William Daniels accepted the role of Mr. Feeny on the condition that the character be treated with respect and dignity, as opposed to being a buffoonish foil for the main characters that was more common for teachers in sitcoms around the time.


Trivia: One of the film's subplots concerns Sal, Joe, and Q wondering what Murr does at night, which is paid off when they see a party going on in his hotel room. According to Murr himself, none of the other three knew what was going to be happening in the room until the scene was being filmed.


Trivia: One of the punishments the Jokers have wanted to do, but the network won't approve, is going to a couples' wedding and objecting to their nuptials, and then apologize and say they realise they are at the wrong wedding.


20th Sep 2021

Family Matters (1989)

10th Sep 2021

Venom (2018)

4th Sep 2021

Game of Thrones (2011)

4th Sep 2021

Drive (2011)

Trivia: Following the film's release, a Michigan woman filed a lawsuit against the distributor for damages, alleging that the film's trailers were misleading and presented it as being a car-racing action film in the vein of the Fast and Furious movies. She also alleged that the film promoted violence against members of the Jewish faith.


Trivia: When Johnny has everyone's powers at the end, he bears a slight resemblance to the Super Skrull, a villain from the comics who has all the Fantastic Fours' powers.


Trivia: Valentina Allegra de Fontaine was originally supposed to make her debut appearance in Black Widow, but due to that film's release being delayed multiple times because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she ended up making her debut in this series instead.


31st Aug 2021

Step by Step (1991)

Trivia: After completing a day of filming on September 3 1996, Brandon Call, who played JT, was shot in both arms in a traffic altercation. Christine Lakin said on the Pod Meets World podcast that she believes the incident made Call decide he no longer wanted to be in the spotlight. He retired from acting following the conclusion of Step by Step, which lends some credence to her theory.


Trivia: One of the names Wenwu says he has been known as throughout the centuries is Master Khan. In the comics, Master Khan is the archnemesis of Iron Fist.


31st Aug 2021

Predator (1987)

Trivia: Three of the film's actors would later be involved in gubernatorial politics. Jesse Ventura was Governor of Minnesota from 1999-2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor of California from 2003-11, and Sonny Landham unsuccessfully campaigned to be the Governor of Kentucky in 2003.


31st Aug 2021

Jurassic Park (1993)

Trivia: In the original novel, Hammond and Dr. Wu die, while Genarro and Muldoon survive. All four characters have the opposite fate in this film. Dr. Wu also has a much larger role in the novel, though he would eventually also have a larger role in the Jurassic World trilogy.


Trivia: James Gunn wrote the film with Ego as the main antagonist without knowing that Marvel didn't have the rights to the character. Fox at the time held the rights and agreed to relinquish them in return for being allowed to make changes to Negasonic Teenage Warhead in Deadpool.


31st Aug 2021

Blade II (2002)

Trivia: Damaskinos originally had long blonde hair. If you watch the deleted scenes with the commentary on, director Guillermo del Toro laughs at how ridiculous he looks, comparing him to Michael Bolton.


31st Aug 2021

Step by Step (1991)

Trivia: Sasha Mitchell was dismissed from the show after the fifth season due to allegations of spousal abuse. It was later revealed that Mitchell's wife at the time would abuse their children in drug-induced rages and that Mitchell would intervene to protect them. Mitchell would later be brought back in a guest appearance in the show's penultimate episode.


31st Aug 2021

Spectre (2015)

Trivia: The revelation that Bond and Blofeld are foster brothers is strikingly similar to the revelation that Bond parody Austin Powers and Blofeld parody Dr. Evil are twin brothers from the James Bond spoof film Austin Powers in Goldmember, released 13 years earlier.


31st Aug 2021

Dexter (2006)

31st Aug 2021

Better Call Saul (2015)

Trivia: On July 27th, 2021 while filming the sixth and final season, Bob Odenkirk suffered a minor heart attack and collapsed on set.


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