Super Grover

27th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Paper Work - S6-E11

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are with the boy who is stuck in the storm drain, note that the shoes both paramedics are wearing are flat bottom, dark grey, water-type shoes, and not their regular black uniform shoes. Then, when the boy is lying on the grass, Johnny's in his uniform shoes, though Roy is still in those water-type shoes.

Super Grover

27th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Paper Work - S6-E11

Continuity mistake: When the car swerves to miss the dog and hits the fire hydrant, the area of ground around the front tire is bare, but in the closeup as the man and his son exit the car, that area is now covered in vegetation, enough to cover half the tire.

Super Grover

27th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Paper Work - S6-E11

Continuity mistake: When the new supply nurse gives Roy the box of supplies, in his right hand Roy holds the receipt and supply box, and in his left hand is the handie-talkie, but in the closeup Roy holds the supply box with his left hand and a bag of saline in his right hand.

Super Grover

27th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Steel Inferno - S7-E1

Continuity mistake: When Charlie asks Dave how Sue is, Charlie has an oxygen mask on with the elastic around his head, but after Dave tells Charlie that Sue's fine and that Johnny's got her on O2, in the wideshot as Dave walks away the oxygen mask has vanished from around his head.

Super Grover

27th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

25th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Tee Vee - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: When the TV catches fire in the kitchen, Captain Stanley unplugs it, and when it cuts to Roy running into the kitchen with the fire extinguisher, he passes Marco, who just ran into the apparatus bay. All of this while we hear Cap's voice telling Marco, who already ran out, to get the asbestos blanket. Then, in the next shot, Marco is still standing behind Captain Stanley in the kitchen.

Super Grover

19th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

19th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

19th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Limelight - S6-E24

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are in the staff lounge waiting for Dr. Morton, Johnny's holding the newspaper's sports page, and in the page's close-up, there is a large picture of Brice centered between two columns of articles. However, when Johnny's talking to Roy and Dr. Morton, that page is entirely different even though he hasn't turned the page.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Grateful - S5-E21

Continuity mistake: The day after the awful fish dinner, when the Merkles visit the station again, Roy is holding a can of whipped cream in his right hand in the side shots, but in the shot facing him he's holding a carton of milk.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Loose Ends - S6-E12

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are driving to the hamburger stand and stop to have a look at the squad's fanbelt, in the interior shots Roy is wearing his watch while driving, but when he exits the squad the watch has vanished.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Old Engine - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: When Johnny starts chasing Harriet down the street, in Johnny's closeup when he passes the white house (right after the yellow house), there is a light colored wagon-style car parked in the driveway, but in shots from other angles there is a green 2-door parked in that driveway.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Decision - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Having trouble sleeping, Roy gets up in the middle of the night at the station, and when he puts on his turnout trousers his right suspender becomes unfastened at the front, and hangs down the back of his leg when he walks into the bathroom. However, in the next shot as he enters the bathroom the suspender is properly fastened.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Kids - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: After Boot shows up for the first time at Station 51, when Chet scares him away, there is a turnout coat and helmet hanging on the hook near the radio receiver base station, but when the dispatcher transmits the tones, the turnout coat and helmet have vanished as Chet turns away.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Limelight - S6-E24

Continuity mistake: After watching Brice's interview on TV, all the guys sit down at the table to eat dinner, and there is one jar of mustard on the table. When Roy smears mustard on his bun, Chet motions for the mustard with his eyes and Roy slides it over to him to use, but in the next few shots the open jar of mustard is either in front of Roy or Chet, depending on the angle of the shot. The milk container keeps switching places as well.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Breakdown - S6-E15

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny get to the address in the canyon that has overgrown weeds and shrubs, in violation of county ordinance, Johnny is empty-handed when they knock on the front door, but when they're told to come in Johnny is now holding the large fire-code violation ticket booklet.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Breakdown - S6-E15

Continuity mistake: While Charlie is finishing up on the squad's engine, Captain Stanley hands Johnny the address in the canyon that has overgrown weeds, and when Johnny packs up the toolbox, Charlie holds out the roll of electrical tape and the combination wrench, with its open-end up. However, in the next shot the only thing Charlie holds out is the wrench, but with its box-end up.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

One of Those Days - S5-E9

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are at the apartment building with the broken elevator, Roy's watch is gone when they climb the steps, but he's wearing the watch when they enter the apartment, then it vanishes when they head back down. That watch reappears again, disappears and reappears until they go back up to the apartment for the second time.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2014

Emergency! (1972)

One of Those Days - S5-E9

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are in the backyard with the couple and the mother-in-law, after Johnny gets off the phone with Brackett, he has the black notebook in his left hand, but in the side shot it's in his right hand, then it returns to Johnny's left hand.

Super Grover

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