Super Grover

Corrected entry: What exactly is Macko arrested for at the end of the movie? They never say what the charge is. I suppose it relates to his investigation of Gavilan and Calden, which was meritless, but I can't think of any specific criminal charge to apply there. Perhaps subordination of perjury, since he made a deal with Lolita Davidovich to testify that she had relations with Gavilan? But then, he'd have to have known that that was untrue, and the cops would need proof of this to arrest him, which was not indicated at all in the scene. They just show up and arrest him.

Correction: He's a dirty cop, all along. He was involved in KC's father's murder.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Just before Norrington and his men board the Dauntless, if you look to the left of the screen, you can see a sailor fighting absolutely no one. Apparently, the computer graphic experts forgot to add his particular CGI 'actor'.

Correction: This Marine in blue, does have a pirate 'partner', that is shown in the background, behind skeletal Pintel and Ragetti, when they first come on deck. As for the specific shot you're referring to, that is when skeletal Pintel raises his sword and yells out, "Come on! Gaaah!" The marine is duelling with that pirate, who is now hidden behind the ship's red bell housing. You can actually SEE the pirate's sword swing three times, as the Marine swings his. Go frame by frame if necessary.

Super Grover

6th Jan 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Corrected entry: When Wendy, John and Michael are on a cloud, Michael starts screaming as if he is falling before the cloud he is holding rips completely.

Correction: Michael is a little boy. The cloud he was on was just fired upon by a cannon. He has reason to scream, even though he still grips the cloud.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Frodo walks in and picks up the ring, he walks over to Gandalf, who is sitting near the fireplace smoking, and he informs Frodo that the ring belongs to the young Hobbit. There is no table beside Gandalf. Gandalf has put his pipe down, holds out an envelope, Frodo drops the ring in it and Gandalf instantaneously seals it with melted wax and a seal at a table in front of him. (00:31:05)

Correction: Gandalf is sitting at the fireplace smoking, with his back to the front door, when Frodo walks in. Gandalf says,"Bilbo's ring." OFF CAMERA, Gandalf walks over to the table across the room, near the window. See the kitchen behind Gandalf in the following shots. He then says, "He's gone to stay with the Elves, He's left you Bag End", while he holds out the envelope to Frodo. The wax and seal are on that table. It isn't necessary to see him walking across the floor.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the beginning where we see Gollum crouched on a high rock, and he says 'my preciousss' it isn't Andy Serkis. He was not there that day so Dominic Monaghan said it instead, it was the only time Gollum's voice is not Andy Serkis'.

Correction: What Dom says in the commentary is that some days he was like a 'jack of all trades' on the set. For example, for filming part of the Hobbits reactions, he read Bilbo's speech to them. Also, the day that Ian filmed his 'young' shot of finding the ring, Dom did the voice 'ON SET', for Ian to react to someone's voice. The voice of Gollum in the movie IS Andy Serkis, because it was added later in ADR during postproduction.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: How did Shelob's sting get through Frodo if he was wearing his mithril vest? Its obvious he wasn't stung higher or lower than where the vest was. The scar we later see is too large for the stinger to be small enough to have slipped between the links of the vest.

Correction: The scar from Shelob's sting is around the area of the neckline of the Mithril coat.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the very beginning, when you see the close-up of Jack on his sinking ship, he has three dangling braided beards. After that shot he only has two.

Correction: No. In this closeup you see 2 braids on the beard AND 2 shadows of those 2 braids. One is behind a braid, the other is between the two braids, so looks like a third one.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when we first see Jack, there is a sunset behind him as he stands on the mast of his boat. In the other shots, the sky is blue.

Correction: The opening shot from behind, shows a blue sky with plenty of white puffy clouds. The next shot from the front, the camera is looking up, and it shows the blue sky and puffy clouds as well, with the 'sunrise', NOT sunset. The next shots looking straight out, the sky is still blue with puffy clouds.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Will frees Jack from jail, he lifts the door, but the door is directly under another bar, making it impossible to lift straight up.

Correction: As Will is standing right in front of Jack's cell, you can see a gap between the top of the cell door and the cell wall bars. There is more than enough of a gap at the top to lift the door off its half-pin barrel hinges. That is how the door is set into the hinges in the first place.

Super Grover

Correction: Gimli runs and his right foot kicks up a rock, his boots are still on his feet.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack and Will are talking to Anamaria in Tortuga, look behind them and you will see the Interceptor with no canvas visible at all. Then when Will points to the ship and they turn to look at it, you can see canvas.

Correction: The sails on the masts are lowered halfway in all the shots during this scene. When Will points to the Interceptor, we see it from a better angle, and the sails are more visible.

Super Grover

Correction: Will is not tied up anymore, when Elizabeth comes to join him in fighting the pirates and she IS wearing the cloth around her hand during this entire scene.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sparrow and Turner sword fight in the blacksmiths, after Sparrow cuts his chains in half, you can see when they're fighting he sometimes has it on, sometimes has it off. Very noticeable on the left hand. The excess chains also disappear in some shots.

Correction: I watched the entire scene frame by frame and this isn't true. It may look like the chains aren't there, but they are, as seen in individual frames and he always has the shackles on.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack Sparrow removes the coin from the chest at the end, he becomes cursed, but when Elizabeth removes it (when they cut her hand), she doesn't become cursed.

Correction: She NEVER removed the medallion from the chest. Barbossa grabbed it back up, when he realized the curse has not been lifted. He threw the coin with her, when he slapped her and knocked her down. Only when, 'someone removes any of the medallions directly from the chest, will they be cursed, until they put it back, with a bit of their blood.'

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Capt. Jack Sparrow is holding Elizabeth at gunpoint, he obviously has a gun in his hands. Yet, when he turns and runs, he grabs the rope with both hands. You don't hear a gun fall and/or there wasn't enough time to put it into his belt.

Correction: Just as Jack pushes Elizabeth away, off camera he does put the gun into his belt, when he spins around, it is there in his belt, just before he flies up the rope.

Super Grover

Correction: The strings on the cello can be seen right underneath the bow, as the shot just opens.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the end of the battle of helms deep, Gandalf arrives from the East to save the day just as he tells Aragorn he will earlier. However, quoting from the book: "Upon the east too shear and stony was the valley's side; upon the left, from the west, their final doom approached". Their final doom being Gandalf, Erkenbrand Lord of Westfold and a thousand men on foot. (01:25:55)

Correction: Although I understand the logic in what you're saying, nevertheless, many liberties were taken by the writers, in regard to following the letter of law from the book. Helm's Deep alone had many changes done. The Elves being there, Eomer not being there, and so forth. The fact that Gandalf approaches from the West in the book, is of little relevance to the movie, unfortunately. It isn't a mistake really.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie Sam and Frodo are at the top of Emyn Muil looking toward Mordor. The complete mountain range of Ered Lithui is visible, though the far end of the range is about 600 miles away and certainly wouldn't be visible from Emyn Muil.

Correction: Yes, Frodo and Sam are standing on Emyn Muil and they're looking SouthEast into the distance towards Mordor. The mountain range visible however, would be that of the Western tip of Ered Lithui (Ash Mountains) and the Northern tip of Ephel Duath (Mountains of Shadow). They come together at the Valley of Morannon, the Black Gate, which is where they are headed. The complete mountain range of Ered Lithui, which extends far to the East, is not shown.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Extended edition only - When Merry and Pippin are looking for food after the flooding of Isengard, Pippin spots the apple and from the front he grabs from a bunch of 3 floating apples. Only when we see him grab the apple there is only one around, the one he grabbed.

Correction: The scene goes like this, as Merry says, "probably only dead rats and mouldy bread", Pip turns to his left, and sees a floating apple, the first of four that are floating to his left. He picks it up, we see some closeups including him looking up (remember Aragorn, FotR). The camera pans back out, and now we see the three from before, plus one more that's floating by, for a total of four floating plus the first one in his hand. There are no mistakes here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Aragorn is saying to the Elves in Elvish: "Show them no mercy.....for you shall receive none," there is no rain falling on them, only in the background.

Correction: Not true... there are rain drops seen, even in slo-mo and the closeup, in front of the elves.

Super Grover

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