Super Grover

10th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When Priam and Hector speak about Paris and Helen, there is a shot from behind them where the city below is clearly visible, as they stand on the balcony. Later, when Priam sees the devastating fires he stands on the same balcony (the statues are visible behind him in the close-up), and the city's buildings, etc., are entirely different than the earlier shot. (00:31:10)

Super Grover

10th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: After the Greeks break into the palace throne room, there is a close-up and consecutive wide shot of a particular white statue being pulled down with two ropes, then smashes apart on the floor and water. However, in the next shot of Priam, he turns around and as the camera pans out, the very same statue is being pulled down yet again, albeit with very noticeable differences in this take of the same shot. (Each of the unique statues in the throne room is visible in earlier shots.) (02:26:15)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When Boagrius falls after Achilles stabs him, in the close-up the two squares (gauze perhaps?) taped to his knees are clearly visible, when he hits the ground and his legs go up. (00:08:20)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: After the Greeks break through the palace gates, Paris releases the first arrow into a soldier. As he begins to turn around, the bent dark arrow unbends at his neck at the start of the shot, before it becomes the straight lighter arrow. (02:25:30)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When the Greek's rampage Troy, a Trojan falls through a thatched roof. In the next shot a light haired Trojan male is thrown on top of a black haired male, and are attacked while they lie atop a stone landing. Then at the start of the following close-up, a lone light haired female falls to the ground from that very same stone landing, which is followed by a repeat performance in close-up, by the light haired male of the previous shot, with some differences in this take. (02:21:15)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Ajax first arrives on Troy's shores an arrow penetrates his right thigh. The darker skinned latex material surrounding his thigh is perfectly distinguishable from his own light skin in the wide shots. Then after he breaks off part of the arrow, the rest which remains in his thigh disappears in consecutive shots. (00:42:35)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: In Achilles' tent, while Achilles tells Briseis that she is his guest and not his captive, the distinctive tan lines of the actress' bikini top are clearly visible as Achilles holds her. (01:37:15)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Throughout the entire film, when soldiers are stabbing others it is blatantly obvious in numerous shots that the swords' blades or spear tips don't come anywhere near the armor or skin of the stabbing victim, and the 'victim' usually has either a delayed reaction to their wounds, or react before the weapons ever 'touch' them. (02:20:50)

Super Grover

8th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: The long distinctive scar on Glaucus' left cheek drastically changes severity, shape, length, etc., in all of his close-ups. (00:57:20 - 01:54:45)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When the body of Achilles lies on the pyre in the close-up, although the fake body has a similar appearance to the real Achilles, some things are different, such as the body does not have the distinctive circular scar on the left upper arm as Achilles did. (02:31:40)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When Hector and Paris return to Troy with Helen, in the first shot they pass through the gate and head down the long path through the city. Then later, when the soldiers head for the armory and when Hector walks through the gate for the face off with Achilles, the path is substantially different. The statue and actual buildings' positions, the curve of the road, etc., are completely different. (This has nothing to do with camera angle.) (00:27:40 - 01:57:00)

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Odysseus normally has wavy/curly hair that reaches the base of his neck, yet just before Hector cuts Patroclus' throat, when Odysseus' helmet slips forward as he fights and the white cap is visible, his hair is very short and straight in back. It's also apparent earlier, when he visits Achilles in Phtia. (00:22:05 - 01:42:25)

Super Grover

30th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: When Agamemnon finds Briseis kneeling, while Troy burns, he pulls her up by her hair. As she lifts her left arm up, the beige undergarment she wears is visible under her arm. From the moment we see Briseis kneeling, throughout this entire scene, the set lighting and shadows change quite dramatically in consecutive shots. (02:27:05)

Super Grover

30th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: As Hector holds his son, the first warning gong is rung. In the next shot, when Hector hands the baby to Andromache, its small shiny bald head is quite a giveaway that it's really a doll in this shot (not visible on widescreen DVD). Later, Andromache holds her son, Scamandrius, when she finds Helen and Paris, as Troy burns. Aside from the fact that the door hits the back of the baby's head, he now has a bald shiny head, whereas he had hair in previous shots, so it's quite obvious in this shot that the baby is a doll once again. (02:23:05)

Super Grover

28th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: After they arrive on Troy’s shore, a particular Myrmidon is hit and falls overboard into the water. After a few shots another Myrmidon is hit with two arrows and he too promptly falls overboard into the water, and then loses his wig in the water (after the helmet). (00:39:55)

Super Grover

27th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

26th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: After Hector pulls his sword from his shield, Achilles spins around and pulls his own from the underside of his shield. The sword is unsecured above his hand, not where it should have been, below his left hand on the handle of the shield, which was obviously done deliberately to ready the sword for the shot. (01:59:25)

Super Grover

26th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Just after Achilles slices Hector's spear, Achilles spins his shield then positions himself behind it. In the next shot facing Achilles, as he starts to walk toward Hector, he does not hold the usual handle on the underside of his shield, instead he holds a small solid handle (used for spinning shield) which is beside the normal handle. Also notice the hilt of the sword is the wrong direction near his elbow, whereas in the following shot when he holds the normal shield handle, the hilt of the sword is properly positioned. (01:59:20)

Super Grover

26th Jan 2005

Troy (2004)

Revealing mistake: Hector's sword is secured to the underside, from hilt to point, entirely under the shield, perpendicular to the handle he always holds. While Achilles and Hector duel, Hector snaps Achilles' spear with his leg. At the start of the next shot, Hector holds the grip of his sword and pulls it from the shield, above and parallel to the handle, not from where it should have been, obviously deliberately done to ready the sword for the shot. (01:59:25)

Super Grover

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