Super Grover

Revealing mistake: While Boromir battles with the Uruk-hai at Amon Hen, to protect Merry and Pippin, there is a close-up of Pippin running towards an Uruk. In the first shot we see Pippin's face. In the next wide shot, not only are the two scale doubles noticeable, the back of the Uruk that Pippin is jumping onto, is also very different than in the next shot. The Uruk's back is much dirtier in this shot, and the clothes are different too. (01:22:10)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Keira's stunt double Sonia is obvious in different shots throughout the film. When Elizabeth walks onto the deck of the Pearl, only to see the skeletal pirates, she stumbles backward and lands on the tarp, and it's very apparent that the one who comes back down from mid-air onto the tarp and goes back up is Sonia. Later on Isla de Muerta, Elizabeth whacks Jacoby (burning beard) with the gold rod and soon after she approaches a second pirate. This pirate is very pleased with himself when he takes the gold bowl off his head, and we can then see it is Sonia actually whacking him, but in the very next shot it is Keira reacting to whacking the guy. (00:59:05 - 02:00:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: During the Warg battle, as Aragorn slices off the head of a Warg rider, in the background on the hill there are two Rohan riders on horseback, one on a brown horse, one on a white horse, riding down the hill chasing after Orcs on foot. There are many shots after, including Aragorn throwing the spear into the Warg saving Gimli, and Theoden stabbing the Warg in his mouth. The next shots of Aragorn are when he stabs a Warg rider. The background plate is the same hill and the same two Rohan riders on horseback are still riding down the hill chasing after the Orcs on foot. Obviously these two pieces of footage were shot consecutively and were cut and separated, and other various shots were inserted in between them. (00:11:35 - 00:12:20)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the close-up of Barbossa cutting Elizabeth's hand, we see as the blade goes across Elizabeth's palm, leaving an obvious thin red line where the blade sliced, but not leaving blood on the blade as it slices. The creases in her palm are also unaffected by the 'cut' that's being made. Yet when Barbossa holds the blade up to his face, the blade now has a good amount of blood on both sides. (01:12:00)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Éomer yells, "To the King!" at Helm's Deep and the Rohirrim begin to ride down, towards the Uruk-hai. In the very first wide shot of Gandalf, starting to lead them down, there is a clear reflection of three of the riders and their horses, shown on the ground. (01:29:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: As the Uruk-hai are slamming into the chamber door, with the battering ram, Gimli and Legolas are standing at the door. Across the room, Aragorn says, "Ride out with me," then in the next three shots of Theoden, he's standing in front of the same wall, with particular markings. In the very next shot, Gimli says, "The sun is rising," and he's standing right in front of the very same wall that Theoden is standing right in front of. Then, in the next shot, still standing at that wall, Theoden says, "Yes. Yes. The Horn of Helm Hammerhand..." Both Theoden and Gimli, can not be in front of the same wall at the same time. In the next shot of Gimli, still standing at that same wall, responds, "Yes." He then starts to go off to blow the Horn. The next shot, is a close-up of the door - all the men in front of it and some wood are knocked away, due to the force of the battering ram. In the next shot, as Theoden says, "Let this be the hour when we draw swords..." between Aragorn and Theoden, the men are seen huddled together at the door again, and Legolas and Gimli are there too. Yet, in the next shot, Gimli is hurriedly running up the steps of the tower to the Horn. (01:27:20)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Will opens the door to the blacksmith shop, behind him to his right is the sign for the silversmith across the courtyard. When the Royal Navy bursts in to capture Jack, behind the men is the same sign for the silversmith. The wall and silversmith sign in both of these background composites differ with each other in position, angle and dimension in relation to the door and the people standing in the doorway in both shots. This has nothing to do with the camera angle of the two shots. (00:21:55 - 00:26:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Norrington says, "Gillette, Mr. Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows..." and he's standing at the dock. When he says the name Gillette, there is an unobstructed view. Behind Norrington to HIS right is the bottom part of the mountain's rocky cliffside and we do not see Dauntless moored. At this angle the Dauntless should be seen, though the digital editors neglected to add it. (00:20:30)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the gallows, in the Fort's courtyard, blows up, just before the huge explosion, four of the platform legs can be seen exploding in the same place, at the same time. A horse and rider pass by in the wide shot, another platform leg, the arm of the gallows and the actual platform explode in sync. Also, in the next close-up we see where the nearest leg of the platform has been cut to help facilitate the explosions impact. (00:31:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: The very first shot of the Uruk-hai running through the rock canyon is the exact same shot that is shown in the last shot of this scene, just after Pippin bites the Lorien brooch off his cloak. Even though in between those two shots, all the Uruk-hai have been running until they meet up with the Orcs. In between those two shots, the rock formation shown behind the Uruk who lifts his fist up is also quite different in the next successive shot, when the Orcs approach the Uruks. (00:14:40 - 00:16:50)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Sam says "There's only one way to eat a brace of coneys" and in the next close-up, Sam stirs the stew. The rolled up blanket is behind the hanging pot, which means it's on Sam's right. In the next three shots, Sam's pack is behind the pot, not the rolled blanket, to Sam's right. Then, in the next close-up of the pot, it's the very same close-up shot as before, only it's been flipped, and the rolled blanket is there, near the pot again, this time to Sam's left. (01:41:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: At Bag End, Gandalf is leaning on the fireplace talking to Bilbo. Then, just as Bilbo says, "It was just a bit of fun," Gandalf's eye contact does not quite line up with Bilbo. This is because they were shot individually and placed together in editing. (00:26:00)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Gollum brings the two rabbits, he drops them onto Frodo's lap, and Frodo is leaning up against one of the broken stone structures. After Frodo opens his eyes, the stone structure behind him vibrates when he moves a couple of times. This structure should be way too heavy to jiggle when Frodo moves. (01:41:05)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Aboard the Pearl, just as Barbossa screams, "And the rest of you, bring me that medallion," seen to the upper right of the screen is a very apparant high cliffside. There are no cliffs, high or otherwise, where they are having the battle - they're in open water. (01:27:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Boromir dies, Legolas and Gimli are standing nearby. This shot of Gimli's face and beard are very different here, because they changed Gimli's appearance after this. Most things were shot out of sequence. Compare his face in this shot to when they're fighting the Uruk-hai or when Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas are by the shore and decide to "hunt some Orc." (01:28:10)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Jack says, "Or you could surrender." Soon after, Barbossa smacks Jack in the face and we can see Jack's wig and red forehead scarf coming off his head, as he's going down. You can clearly see Tony Angelotti's (Depp's stunt double) forehead, sideburns and hairline in the right hand corner of the screen. (The shot right after this one is Jack running with his arms waving.) (01:57:15)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Will opens the door to the blacksmith shop, on his immediate left outside, there is a stone wall with a plaque on it. That same plaque can be seen hanging high up over a doorway across the courtyard from the blacksmith's shop, when Jack goes into the shop earlier. The wall and plaque were added later, to that shot of Will. The plaque should not be able to be seen so closely, at that angle and distance, in the shot of Will opening the door. (00:20:40 - 00:21:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After Jack says, "Ta," he's about to leave, but Will throws the sword into the door, to block the latch. As Will starts to toss his sword, it can be seen that the sword never leaves his hand, but his arm moves downward with the sword in hand. The next shot is a close-up of the swaying sword embedded in the door. Obviously, Bloom does not make that throw towards Depp. (00:23:40)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Johnny Depp's and Orlando Bloom's stunt doubles, Tony Angelotti (Jack) and Mark Aaron Wagner (Will), not only fight each other's 'alter ego' as well as other pirates and soldiers, they also duel directly with each other in the blacksmith shop in many shots. They are also too obvious in the scenes on Isla de Muerta, and during the rescue of Jack from the gallows, as they run and fight the Marines. There are notable differences between the two Jacks and two Wills within all the shots, throughout the film. (00:24:45 - 02:07:00)

Super Grover

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